All he wants to do is move around. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to crawl, he wants to walk. I bought him a walker a couple of weeks ago and he is cruising around in it. Although, he'd prefer that I hold his hands and let him walk that way instead.
Thor is the best big brother - he loves to make Hercules laugh.
Thor gets certain traits from me, and one of them is clumsiness. One day he was playing with his friends at school and had a little accident. He was running and for whatever reason his body got ahead of his feet and he biffed it. He didn't fall to his knees but straight to his face. He received a really bad rug burn to his nose. The photo shows the burns, but this is when it looked the best. His nose was swollen and red the first day.
At the end of the month he went with his dad and participated in the MS Walk. The photo demonstrates how much he enjoyed the walk. He really did have a good time!